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Mike Wiley points out how the Democratic Party Axis of Evil, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Imam Hussein worked to create ISIL, weaken America and work to establish the Russian move on Syria, Turkey and the Islamic Invasion of Germany to end NATO.
Was Barack Hussein Obama hired by Osama Bin Laden to destroy America through Bankruptcy and destroy NATO through Islamic Invasion?
Mike Wiley's Viewpoint from the Extreme Middle talks about our Global Masters and what they do to rule us and what we need to do to stay free. The Pope's discussion on Climate change plays into the fraud of stealing money from productive countries to send to non productive countries because they do not have the money to combat something that does not exist.
In Mike Wiley's weekly Viewpoint from the Extreme Middle, he notifies the audience that the Alliance of Free States will continue the attack that the Presidential Campaign was intended to complete.
Mike Wiley discusses the Responsibility Libertarians have to save America from the Democrats in 2016 since the Republicans refuse to.
Mike Wiley's weekly address to the nation. Today's address: Have the Democrats done more damage to the nation then illegal immigrants and if so, should we be discussing deporting the Democratic Party Leadership to Cuba, Russia or China?